Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our day in Seattle

Sorry folks, updating on Sunday morning... my body says it's 9:30am - but the clock here says 6:30. UGH!! But we have lots to do this morning before we head to the ship... I'll let the kids sleep another hour, then ....yeah... time to get up.

YESTERDAY.... well, I can't say enough about Patrick as a host. I'll tell you what... his Disney experience showed through HAHAHAH!! SORRY DUDE!....

He picked us up at the airport and brought us back to our hotel. Made us dig through our bags to make sure we had the warm stuff that we needed...

We were all starving and he says, "Sorry... Seattle has 3 McDonalds" LOL - so we decided we wanted something quick anyway - so we walked to Seattle Center food court and got the most amazing burgers..

On the way there is this huge fountain that kids play in - check out the videos on Photobucket to see it...

Seattle is an incredible city - there's no way to really describe it...

Patrick then drove us up into the mountains! We got to see Mt. Ranier... and drove over the "Floating Bridge" ... read about it here and here...

He took us to a ski resort near Snoqualmi - it was closed, but we walked up and played in the snow.... did the sled thing, built a baby snowman... snowball fights.... it was a BLAST!! Yes, I rode the sled down!

Hannah figured out that if you sat up, you turned around HAHAHAHA!!! It was hilarious...

Patrick got a pic of the three of us on the sled, then Jeb pushed me and Hannah down, and sure enough, the sled turned around and we rode the hill backwards. Where did that snow go? In my pants :)

When we left, he took us by Snoqualmi Falls .... wow.... (got pics)

Then one more tourist shot in Seattle before we went back to the hotel to collapse..

Check out the pics on Photobucket - I'm keeping a daily photo log there...

Hopefully, the future entries won't be so long!!!

Our flights...

Getting up this morning was easy… I guess I never really went to sleep. Getting to the airport, getting checked in and making it to the gate all went off without a hitch. THANKS NOAH!

Flight from Orlando to Phoenix…
Since I haven’t flown in about 15 years, I was terrified J Once we got going though, I was fine. We got the giggles…then tried to nap…

Flight from Phoenix to Seattle…
I didn’t realize that we were going to fly right over top of the Rocky Mountains. So I’m in my seat looking out the window and getting all excited about a few foothills, then the next thing I know here are these huge snow-capped peaks right in front of me. I’ve taken some pictures but I know they won’t do it justice at all...
I can’t even imagine that what I’ll be looking at in about 48 hours will be even more magnificent!

We just flew over Crater Lake!! I looked out the window and saw this thing, and I told Hannah to check it out... that it had to be some old volcano.... and 30 seconds later the pilot gets on the speaker and says, "...ladies and gentlemen, to our left is Crater Lake..."

Friday, May 8, 2009

One week, tomorrow...

One week from today, I'll be frantic! Will I have everything done? Will we have everything packed?

We decided not to send a package to Seattle... too much hassle. We'll have to pack carefully, not too much extra stuff...

I learned yesterday that I probably won't be able to upload lots of pics each day - forget the laptop connect card, didn't know you have to purchase the monthly service to have it.

Hannah's still going to bring her lap top, but we'll have to use the computers on the ship to do any outgoing stuff... I hope the computers there accept thumb drives, because that's how I'm going to be doing everything!!

I'll keep up with the blog.... and add pics when I can -

Monday, April 27, 2009's really happening :)

This weekend it will be two weeks until we leave. I don't remember the last time a 'countdown' meant so much to me...

We've finalized our dog-sitting/house-sitting person - Hannah's boyfriend is going to stay here and take care of everything, he really seems kinda excited about it! He's determined to work on Hannah's motorcycle and try to get it fixed and running before she gets back...

The dogs are really comfortable with him now so I'm finally relaxing and letting excitement kick in!

My friend Patrick (whom I worked with at Disney 18 years ago) lives in Seattle and he's going to meet us at the hotel and drive us to find snow so we can go SLEDDING!!

Again, I hope to have plenty of pictures of each of our events...

Keep your fingers crossed that I can master this camera before we go!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Exactly one month from today, I will be flying in a helicopter over a glacier, then landing on it.

I will get to reach down and touch it.

I cannot say these words out loud without choking up.

My dream of a lifetime is closer and closer....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm a little nervous...

... I'm not sure if we are going to be able to do the Whale Watching in Victoria. I haven't received a confirmation yet, and we should have by now. Jay says that it's a very popular tour, and it may be booked full.

Let's keep fingers crossed, okay?